Activities & Arena Committee:
(handles scheduling of events, facilities, overnight and daypen uses on the property)
Lori Lookabill
House & Grounds Committee:
(handles grounds maintenance and property usage issues)
Mike Cullum
Joe Lynch
Eric Tchemitcheff
Emergency Preparedness Committee:
(handles fire extinguishers, flooding resources, property signage, pumphouse emergency packet content, club emergency phone hotline)
dave espinosa-aguilar
Membership Committee:
(handles membership contact information database, club mail lists, trailer license tracking)
Eric Tchemitcheff
Finance Committee:
(handles financial planning projects and future purchases for club)
Judi Johannesen
Marysia Skorska
Lori Lookabill
Eric Tchemitcheff
Barns Committee:
(handles barn leases & attornments, projects and concerns strictly related to barn owners)
Eric Tchemitcheff
Facebook Moderator:
Lori Lookabill
Alexia Tchemitcheff
dave espinosa-aguilar