Physical: 2533 Van Giese
Richland, WA 99352

Mail to: P.O. Box 613
Richland, WA 99352

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our members
The Richland Riders Club board would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.
The following are your RRC officers for 2007 to 2008.

George Hagen
Vice President
Susan Renz
Jill Lagrange
Rose Wilson
Board Members
Years Left On Board
Barb fredenburg
Carl Baker
Chuck sundgren 

The slate was carried acclaim at the November 12th general membership meeting.

We are proud to welcome new members molly Hopkins and Nora Dunkirk these young ladies were sponsored by barb fredenburg.

Congratulations to Kathy marquart she was the winner of the volunteer hour portrait by Annette koontz.

This is a new year and the count starts again for next years prize for volunteers this is to be determined.  Remember for every hour you work for the club you get one slip in the pot for the drawing.  It is important to keep George up dated on your hours as you work them.  You can send the information to

Wow the newly formed emergency evacuation and preparedness committee has been hard at work.  Susan rend is the chair of the committee.

Here is information pertaining to the committee

  • Committee members Susan Rend, Marilyn Miller, Kathleen Carter, & Sandy Trine have held 2 meetings and are reviewing items that need to be addressed. Items being reviewed are evacuation process, emergency contact information, fire lanes and rental barn electrical wiring updates. 
  • Have posted reflecting numbers on VanGiesen to make the club easier to find.
  • Evacuation procedure to include phone tree, stall postings.  Use of plastic sleeves with emergency contact information printed to assist. 
  • Horses with chip implants make it much easier to find and prove ownership. Animal hospital of Pasco can do this process for $60.00 per horse and is willing. They are willing to come in the spring and will also do spring shots at the same time. There is also a fee to register the chip $40.00 with the company.
  • Fire extinguishers are on each light pole.
  • Emergency exit on Hall Road and turn toward VanGiesen road. In the event evacuation is needed we’ll compose a list of locations and key contacts.

Anyone is welcome to come; meetings are usually on a Monday night 
Contact Susan Renz for more information on meetings.

Octoberfest update:

At the general meeting on 11/12/07 it was voted to have octoberfest in 2008.  This year we had 47 rides on Saturday and 16 championship rides on Sunday.  The club made $400.00 on the show.  Thanks to all the volunteers that made the show go so well.

So far for the 2008-octoberfest series we have 9 shows, 3 at rrc, 4 inside the chinook series, and 2by the blue mountain dressage organization.  We are happy that blue mountain is joining our series.

Other show updates:

Wow, it is time plan our shows for next year already.  This year we are planning the following:

Spring show date tBD usually in April
Moonlight date TBD usually in July
Fall show date tBD usually in September
Octoberfest October 11th and 12th
Fun shows on Wednesday’s date’s tBD

Note this addition

The pony club kids and some folks at rrc are going to put on 2 fun jump shows this year.  The dates are tbd.  Look for more information in the calendar.

Irs update

Rose updated the group at the general meeting about the irs audit, which is ongoing.  She has been in contact with the irs and they have requested more information, which rose, has provided.  There is possibility that the club may have to change their status to come more in line with irs requirements.  Rose has stated that the person in the irs office in Seattle has been very nice to work with and is trying to help the club.

Other business

The light switch on the pole for the arena lights has been fixed, it is actually a switch.  Do not open the box on the light pole for any reason.

The tractor is now repaired... the engine has been worked on; the two back tires have had the tubes repaired so it should ready to go.  Instructions on how to operate the tractor are inside the shed on the door. There will be a schedule put out for the dragging and taking down of jumps in the near future.  The following people are willing to drag; this makes it nice because then one person only has to drag every 7 weeks.   Barb, Eric, Judy, Darren, chuck, Todd and Mario.  If the gas can needs to be filled, either go ahead and refill the can and give the bill to rose or tell one of the board members and we will do it.

From all of us to all of you have a safe and happy holiday..

The RRC Board


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