Physical: 2533 Van Giesen
Richland, WA 99352

Mail to: P.O. Box 613
Richland, WA 99352

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March 2008 Newsletter

General Meeting in February

The board wanted to thank the people, which attended the general meeting. This is easy to do because there were only Sandy Trine, Eric Tchemitcheff, Carol Thompson and Kim Lessor in attendance besides the board members. Remember we only have these meetings once a quarter or four times a year.

We had a guest speaker from Red Mountain Feed, Kevin Kautzky. He introduced himself and asked members to stop by and let him know if there were any products we need the store to carry. He is also willing to carry items upon request.

IRS Audit update 2005, 2006, Rose Wilson Options for RRC regarding compliance (handouts provided);

  1. To remain a non-profit then shows can be only for members. Estimated cost of membership would increase to double the current dues amount and rent to cover the annual expenses.
  2. As a regular corporation there would not be restrictions on how the RRC raises money or the activities that occur at the club. There will not be any impact on insurance because the club activities determine what insurance coverage is.
  3. Club can switch back to non-profit status when circumstances change so there is no annual profit by the club from activities that include public revenue (money received from other sources than members).

RRC is a 501-C-7 and not allowed to have more than 35% of the income from non-members. Only 15% income is allowed from premises. Both of these percentages have been exceeded per the IRS audit. Two of the biggest violations of nonprofit are;

  • Members cannot make any money using the premises. This means no money can exchange hands for any services between members.
  • Members are not allowed to advertise in the RRC Newsletter to sell items

Presently, even as a non-profit, there is a possibility that we may owe approximately $500.00 in taxes for 2005. This is an on going effort between the IRS and the RRC. Rose Wilson is doing a fantastic job of interfacing with the IRS on our behalf.

There was a vote taken to have the club file the tax return as a corporation per the recommendations from the IRS audit and it was unanimous.

Rental Barn (10 stalls total) update presented by Carl Baker - draft shared with members. Asked members to become more involved in this project.

  • Barn layout with detailed improvements proposed; hydrant layout, electrical outlets, feeder location.
  • Constructed of custom sectional metal panels to accept wooden panel insert.
  • Builder estimated so far at $2,000 to $4,000 per stall.
  • Will go to the bank to determine if a loan is viable.
  • City of Richland will require a river protection review.

Electrical repair must be done if rebuild is declined or approved by the membership. Need feedback from membership to determine if this rebuild project will be supported.

  • Members agreed to continue the process of determining if a loan is available, construction costs, etc.
  • One argument against the rebuild of the rental stalls - to sell rental barns and use RRC resources time and money to upgrade the whole facility for all members.

Other Items

  • Susan Renz - Seeking a plan to refurbish footing/sand in dressage and jump arenas. Dressage arena needs to be sloped for better drainage.
  • Carl Baker - Tractor has anti-freeze in the oil pan and is back at New Holland for diagnosis. They will take it apart and let us know what is found with an estimate.
  • Chuck Sundgren - will look at the fire extinguishers and determine there condition and get replacements if needed. Receipts will be submitted to the Treasurer.
  • Spring clean up work day at facility on March 29, 2008 (Saturday) at 10:00 AM

New Members

Jennifer Abbey has joined our club. She has a new horse named Sage and is interested in learning to ride dressage. She has previously done barrel racing. We also have a new family Tammy, David and Adam Lascheid have joined RRC. They have been to many of our shows and helped set up the arena's. Adam is in Pony Club and is always willing to help.


On Monday, March 10, 2008, our 30-year old pump at the Richland Riders Club gave up the ghost. The club has been without water since Monday afternoon. Ron's Pump and Motor has been working hard to get it back up and running. Hopefully, the work will be completed by the mid morning of Wednesday, March 12, 2008.

Richland Riders Club CLEAN UP DAY.

Here is what we need to accomplish:

  • Putting the day pens back up
  • Cleaning up trash along the front of the property
  • Cleaning up trash along the back of the property
  • Cleaning up tumble weeds and leaves all around the property.
  • Cleaning up around the barn areas.

Paul has graciously said we can use his trailer. If barn owners want to clean up around their barns feel free the trailer will be available for trash, etc.

The more help we have the faster it will go and maybe we will only have to do one day this year.

There should be no heavy stuff like last year.

Desiree Smith-Johnson

Desiree Smith-Johnson will be available to teach at the RRC again this year. Desiree also is the on site instructor at Tulipsprings Farm, and is working on putting together a Young Riders Eventing Team for Area V11. For more information call 521-5496, or email

Nominating Committee

Per the requirements of the by laws the nominating committee has to be identified prior to August 1st. The following people have volunteered to be on the nominating committee this year. Loria Ramonas, Kathi Hardy and Linda Lively. The following are the positions, which are up for nominations. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and one 3-year board member position. If you have any nominations please contact someone on the nominating committee with the name. Be sure to ask the person prior to submitting the name to the committee. The slate of officers must be established in time for the slate to be presented to the general members by October, so that at the November meeting there maybe a vote.

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